The main sources of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest are human settlement and development of the land. In the nine years from 1991 to 2000, the total area of Amazon Rainforest cleared rose from 415,000 to 587,000 km². The Amazon rainforest continues to shrink but more recently the rate of deforestation has been slowing, with the 2011 figures showing the slowest rate of deforestation since records have been kept.
The Amazon Rainforest is being cut away for many different reasons. Agriculture, the valuable hardwood, housing space and farming space especially soybeans are just the main reasons. But the most important cause are cattle pasture. The farmers deforested bigger quantities of trees and natural plants for the livestock. A satellite data have found that clearing for mechanized cropland has recently become a significant force in Brazilian Amazon deforestation. This change in land use may alter the region's climate. Researchers found that in 2003, the then peak year of deforestation, more than 20 percent of the Mato Grosso state’s forests were converted to cropland. This finding suggests that the recent cropland expansion in the region is contributing to further deforestation.
Analyzing the data, we conclude that action human make seriously problems for the environment (climate, endangered species, fires) and it's very important to find a way to convert this situation.
We need change to save the Amazon Rainforest. Change our actions. Change our minds. Change our life.
Yuri Silva
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