Saturday, February 9, 2013

FEATURE ARTICLE - Amazon Deforestation

 Amazon Deforestation

The Amazon forest is the largest forest of the planet, the place with the greatest biodiversity, the "lung" of the world. But this scenario has been changed. The Amazon that was once a forest land that housed several species of animals, birds and native, became an area intended for farming, grain production and urban center. If no action is taken, the Amazon can be completely cleared in a few years.

            The main sources of deforestation in the Amazon are human settlement and development of land. Between 1991 and 2000, the total area of Amazon forest cleared for cattle ranching and roads increased from 415,000 to 587,000 km ². In February 2008, the Brazilian government announced that the rate at which the Amazon forest is being destroyed had been accelerating significantly during the time of year that it usually lower: In the last five months of 2007, more than 3,200 square kilometers.

            Besides affecting biodiversity (Amazon owns more than 30% of global biodiversity), Amazon deforestation affects, and much, life of local populations that without the variety of resources of the largest freshwater basin in the world, find themselves without possibility to ensure their own survival, becoming dependent on government aid and non-governmental organizations.

             However, several actions have been taken to prevent the worst from happening and preserve the richness provided by Amazon. NGOs like Greenpeace, SOS Mata Atlantica, WWF, IPAM (Institute for Amazon Research) and several other entities, campaign and study aiming to publicize and facilitate sustainable development and the recovery of degraded areas of the Amazon in Brazil.

Luiz Fernando Simões

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